HC Deb 16 July 1929 vol 230 cc238-9W

asked the Minister of Labour the number of registered unemployed at the Bristol Central Employment Exchange on 30th June last, together with the number of males and females, the number of persons disallowed benefit for that month, and the reasons for such disallowance?


At 1st July, 1929, there were 8,333 persons on the registers of the Bristol Employment Exchange, of whom 6,904 were males and 1,429 females.

The following statement shows the numbers of claims to benefit disallowed, and

Disallowance of Claims to Benefit made at the Bristol Employment Exchange in the Period 14th May, 1929, to 10th June, 1929.
Reasons for Disallowance. Males. Females. Total.
(a) Claims disallowed by Insurance Officers.*
Permanent Provisions.
Not unable to obtain suitable employment 11 11
Not genuinely seeking work 86 51 137
Employment lost through misconduct 23 6 29
Employment left voluntarily without just cause 15 9 24
Other grounds 7 5 12
Transitional Provisions
Less than 8 contributions paid in previous two years or 30 contributions paid at any time. 1 1
Not, normally insurable and not seeking to obtain a livelihood by means of insurable employment. 1 1
Not a reasonable period of insurable employment during the preceding two years. 85 11 96
Total 216 95 311
(b) Claims recommended for disallowance by Courts of Referees on review after payment of 78 days' benefit.
Not genuinely seeking work 23 2 25
Total claims disallowed 239 97 336
The total number of fresh and renewal claims to benefit made during the period was 3,975 of which 3,270 were made by males and 705 by females.
* In a number of these oases the decisions were reversed on appeal to Courts of Referees.

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