HC Deb 27 February 1929 vol 225 c2017W

asked the Financial Secretary to the Treasury what was the

Promotions to the grade of Administrative Cadet since 1st January, 1920.
Department. Promotions from Clerical Grades.* Promotions from Executive Grades.*
Admiralty 4 (1920)
Agriculture and Fisheries, Ministry of 1 (1923)
Colonial and Dominions Office 2 (1925 & 1928)
Customs and Excise 1 (1928)
Education, Board of 4 (1920)
Health, Ministry of 3 (1920, 1925, & 1926)
Home Office 1 (1927) 1 (1920)
India Office 1 (1924) 3 (1921)
Inland Revenue 2 (1920)
Labour, Ministry of 1 (1925)
Pensions, Ministry of 2 (1925)
Trade, Board of 5 (1920)
War Office 1 (1921)
* No appointments of (a) lower clerical officers or (b) women clerical or executive officer to the administrative cadet grade have been made in the period. The figures given in the table exclude officers selected for employment on work of the same kind as is entrusted to administrative cadets under the provisions of Section 51 of the Reorganisation Report.


asked the Financial Secretary to the Treasury what was the number of men and of women lower and higher clerical officers, respectively, promoted to grades other than reorganisation grades in each year since 1920 in each of the departments in which the clerical class is employed; and what were the grades to which the officers concerned were promoted?


I regret that the detailed information desired by the hon. Member is not available, and could not be obtained without the expenditure of considerable time and labour.