HC Deb 20 February 1929 vol 225 c1140W

asked the Minister of Labour what was the total amount paid to boards of guardians during the past year in refunding relief in money and kind advanced to applicants for unemployment insurance benefit pending their claims being met; whether he is aware that as a result of the delay many applicants have to continue signing at the Employment Exchange week by week and then have to go to the relieving officer to get their money; what is the total amount that the collector of the unions has received in commission on the amounts paid over by him: and whether such commission is charged to the insurance fond or to the poor rate?


The amount repaid to Poor Law authorities in respect of unemployment benefit during the calendar year 1928 was, approximately, £160,000. Every effort is made to avoid delay in paying benefit. In the small minority of cases where there is some delay, it is usually due to the fact that the claimant's title to benefit is in doubt. As regards the last two parts of the question, the whole amount was paid to the Poor Law authorities, and I do not know whether any commission was paid to the officials of those authorities.