HC Deb 11 February 1929 vol 225 cc49-51W

asked the Financial Secretary to the Treasury whether any women are employed as writing assistants, who have been in the service of the State for over seven years, who are eligible for promotion on account of length of service in the writing-assistant grade, who have never had an adverse (or C) annual report since their appointment as writing assistants, and who have not yet been placed on trial for promotion to the clerical class; if so, which are the Departments

number of men and of women authorised and employed, respectively, in each established inspectoral common grade subject to maxima not exceeding £250, £400 and £500, respectively, and to higher maxima as at 1st April in each year since 1920 in each Department in which such staff are employed?


I append a table which shows the number of established members of inspectoral grades as at 1st April, 1928. The further information desired by the hon. Member is not available, and could not be obtained without disproportionate expenditure of time and labour.

in which this position arises; and what is the number of writing assistants concerned in each case?


It is of the essence of the system of confidential annual reports, agreed upon by the Civil Service National Council, that their contents are not disclosed, except to the individual concerned in the case of an adverse marking, otherwise than to the Departmental Promotion Boards for whom they are intended or, where no such Board exists, to the officers charged with the duty of making recommendations for promotion to the heads of their Departments. I am therefore unable to give the particulars asked for in the question. The hon. Member will, no doubt, be aware that writing assistants are eligible to compete at the open competitive examinations for the clerical class, and also that the question of individual fitness for promotion to that class depends upon more important factors than mere length of service as writing assistant.

Financial Year. Numbers. Reduction in numbers compared with previous financial year. Cost. Reduction in cost compared with previous financial year.
£ £
1926 2,451 134 933,960 43,640
1927 2,387 64 923,060 10,900
1928 2,298 89 907,900 15,160
Note.—These figures include attached officers, typists, messengers and cleaners, and personnel in audit offices; but exclude Metropolitan Police and staff on loan to other Government Departments.