HC Deb 07 February 1929 vol 224 c1963W

asked the Secretary of State for War if he is aware that the last financial statement of the United Services Fund showed that the income exceeded the disbursements by £151,000; and will he explain why the sickness allowances to 18,000 recipients shows that £56,875 less had been paid in comparison with the previous year?

Lieut.-Colonel SPENDER-CLAY

The Charity Commissioners do not know to what "financial statement" the question relates. The last published accounts, i.e., those for the year 1st October, 1926, to 30th September, 1927, show that the disbursements of the fund amounted to upwards of £474,000, whilst the income of the fund from all sources was less than £177,000, the balance being provided by appropriations of capital. During the year 1926–27 the number of cases of sickness assisted by the fund was, the Commissioners are informed, 121,763, land the amount expended on such assistance was upwards of £298,000. The corresponding figures for the preceding year were 101,973 and upwards of £306,000. The slight reduction in the amount expended during the year 1926–27 was due to the fact that certain special capital expenditure was incurred in the preceding year.

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