HC Deb 04 February 1929 vol 224 c1429W

asked the Financial Secretary to the Treasury whether he is aware that several hundred writing assistants have received official recommendation for promotion to the clerical classes in each year since 1925 on their annual report forms, by way of A marking, who have not yet been placed on trial for promotion, and that during the same period a large number of girls straight from school have been appointed direct to the clerical class; whether his attention has been drawn to the comments made at the Industrial Court hearing of the writing assistants' wage claim in 1925 by the employer member of the Court and to bad promotion avenues of the class; and whether he will go into the present position, with a view to improving the promotion prospects of all efficient members of this grade?


The promotion prospects of members of the writing assistant class, together with other matters relating to the conditions of their employment, are under the consideration of a Sub-Committee of the Civil Service National Whitley Council which has been appointed expressly for that purpose.