HC Deb 04 February 1929 vol 224 c1412W

asked the Minister of Labour the number of women and juveniles registered as unemployed in Lancashire in November and December, 1928, and January, 1929; and the number of women and juveniles unemployed in Yorkshire at the same periods?


The following table shows the numbers of women, boys and girls respectively on the registers of Employment Exchanges in Lancashire and in Yorkshire on each Monday of November and December, 1928, and in January, 1929, so far as available. It will be remembered that the percentage of unemployment for boys and girls is always temporarily affected by the school-leaving period.

attending juvenile unemployment centres in England and Wales is about 6,100. The average weekly cost of these centres to the Exchequer in respect of recurring expenditure, including the payment of travelling expenses for boys and girls attending the centres, was 4s. 10d. per head during the six months ended 30th September last.

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