HC Deb 01 February 1929 vol 224 cc1283-4W

asked the Secretary to the Overseas Trade Department to what amount orders have been given by the Indian State Railways to Foreign firms during the year ended 31st March, 1928?


I have been asked to reply. The orders placed with foreign firms by the High Commissioner for India for Indian State Railways during the year ended 31st March, 1928, amounted to £674,820 or about 28 per cent. of the total orders placed during that year.


asked the Secretary to the Overseas Trade Department whether he is aware that large orders for railway and engineering material have been recently placed by the Indian State Railways with foreign firms; and whether he will inquire why such orders have not been placed with British firms?


The orders placed with foreign firms by the High Commissioner for India for Indian State Railways during the quarter ended the 31st December last amounted to about £39,000 only out of a total amount of orders placed during the same period of over £1,000,000. In accordance with the undertaking given by the Government of India to the Legislative Assembly tenders are normally invited by advertisement in the case of orders placed outside India and the lowest satisfactory tender is accepted.


asked the Secretary to the Overseas Trade Department whether he will state if any arrangement exists between His Majesty's Government and the Government of India, whereby all orders of State requirements in India should be opened to the lowest tender irrespective of the firms' nationality; and whether he will consider the desirability of approaching the Government of India with a view to an agreement that a preference of at least 10 per cent. shall operate in favour of British firms?


The High Commissioner for India in purchasing stores acts under instructions given him by the Government of India the effect of which is approximately as indicated in the first part of the question. For the reasons given in previous Debates in this House, and in replies to questions on this subject, my Noble Friend is not prepared to act on the suggestion contained in the latter part of the question.