HC Deb 16 December 1929 vol 233 cc987-8W

asked the Minister of Agriculture whether, with a view to utilising the existing local machinery in the interests of the marketing and grading scheme now being extended, he will consider the advisability of requesting county agricultural committees to set up special sub-committees charged with the specific duty of co-ordinating this work in each county area?


It is the practice of my Department in the development of its grading and marking schemes to work, in the first instance, through the National Farmers' Union and the various national bodies of distributors concerned and to encourage the county branches of the National Farmers' Union to undertake such local co-ordination as may be practicable or desirable according to the nature of each scheme. This Procedure is working satisfactorily, but if my hon. Friend has any particular plan in mind, and would communicate it to me in detail, I should, of course, be glad to consider it.