HC Deb 22 April 1929 vol 227 cc644-5W

asked the Minister of Transport what are the proposed alterations that will take place after October next for better travelling facilities on the District Railway; whether it is proposed to increase the seating capacity of the carriages or lengthen the trains to avoid overcrowd- ing and whether it is intended to lengthen the platforms of the intervening stations between Aldgate and Barking?

Colonel ASHLEY

The railway company have informed me that two additional trains per hour, morning and evening, will be put into service between Barking and Aldgate East and through to the District line on 6th May, and that by October a further five trains per hour, morning and evening, over this section of the District Railway will be lengthened from six to eight cars. It is not, I understand, proposed to lengthen the plat-forms at the intervening stations as they already accommodate eight-car trains, the maximum length of trains operating on this service.


asked the Minister of Transport the date when the two new trains per hour were put into commission on the District Railway between Barking and Aldgate; and whether the proposed new type of carriage and engine to be put into commission on the Piccadilly and Brompton Railway will be duplicated on the District Railway between Barking and Aldgate?

Colonel ASHLEY

I am informed that two additional trains per hour were put into service between Barking and Aldgate East and through to the District line on 5th March, 1928. I understand that the new type of cars now being constructed for the District Railway offers increased accommodation as compared with the type of cars which will be replaced.

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