HC Deb 23 November 1928 vol 222 cc2092-3W

asked the Minister of Transport whether he has considered a suggestion that persons taking out motor-drivers' licences should have the option of taking them out for one-, two-, three-, or four-year periods?

Colonel ASHLEY

A somewhat similar suggestion has already been considered and I am advised that its adoption would require legislation. The chief value of the driving licence is as a means of identifying and tracing the holder. If it remained valid for a period of years, changes of address and other similar accidents would render it, in many cases, entirely valueless for this purpose. Under the existing system an applicant has to furnish his name and address year by year on renewal of the licence under a penalty of making a false declaration. The proposals contained in the draft Road Traffic Bill that an applicant for a driving

Year. To County and Borough Mental Hospitals. To all other Institutions for the Insane and to Private Single Care. Total.
1923 21,375 1,679 23,054
1924 19,704 1,599 21,303
1925 20,327 1,457 21,784
1926 20,466 1,458 2[...],924
1927 20,474 1,419 21,893

Figures are not available for each quarter.