HC Deb 22 November 1928 vol 222 c1950W

asked the Minister of Health the total number of houses, whether subsidised or not, built in each year since the Armistice to the latest available date, in England and Wales?


The following statement gives the information desired by the hon. Member.

Year ended 30th September. Number of houses built.
Under subsidy schemes. Without subsidy. Total.
1919 30,000 210,237
1920 6,127
1921 67,945
1922 106,165
1923 25,989 52,749 78,738
1924 36,459 73,032 109,491
1925 92,291 66,735 159,026
1926 131,895 65,689 197,584
1927 212,916 60,313 273,229
1928 101,791 64,624 166,415

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