HC Deb 14 November 1928 vol 222 c895W

asked the Secretary for Scotland what are the new regulations for entrance to the teaching profession in Scotland which came into operation at the beginning of the present Session; and if the local education authorities have made additional maintenance grants to children of working-class parents to enable them to satisfy the new regulations and enter the teaching profession at a subsequent date.


The Department's regulations in the matter remain unchanged. It is, however, generally known that, in view of the present surplus of teachers, the National Committee for the Training of Teachers deemed it necessary this Session to set a limit to the numbers whom they would accept. The means they adopted to secure their end were avowedly tentative, and I have not yet heard whether they are satisfied with the working of their experiment. As to the last part of the question, it is of course within the powers of Education Authorities to continue assistance to any needy candidates who have been unsuccessful this year in gaining admission.