HC Deb 24 May 1928 vol 217 cc2081-2W
Major GLYN

asked the Home Secretary whether he is aware that in certain parts of the country strychnine poison is being used, it is understood, for the purpose of destroying rooks and other vermin; and that, in consequence, dogs and other live stock have been killed; and if he will consider whether the danger of using strychnine poison has been sufficiently advertised; and what steps can be taken to prevent the sale by chemists and others except in special circumstances?


I have no information on this subject, nor have any representations been made to me. The use of poison for the destruction of rooks or any vermin other than small ground vermin, is an offence against the Protection of Animals Acts; and when poison is used for the destruction of small ground vermin, reasonable precautions must be taken to prevent injury to domestic animals. The sale of strychnine is already regulated by the Pharmacy Acts.