HC Deb 17 May 1928 vol 217 c1235W

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland the number of acres in Ross-shire reported upon as suitable for small holdings, distinguishing the mainland and the island of Lewis, and the number of acres granted for small holdings, distinguishing the mainland and the island of Lewis, respectively?


Occasion has not arisen for a general survey of the county for the purpose of recording the areas suitable for small holdings. 101 new holdings and 97 enlargements of existing holdings have been formed on 24,870 acres in the mainland of Ross-shire, and 251 new holdings and 278 enlargements on 51,387 acres in Lewis.


asked the Secretary of State for Scotland the number of applica-

Number of Poor Chargeable.
Date. Total. Ordinary Poor. Destitute able-bodied unemployed. Miners' families relieved during coal stoppage.
Paupers. Dependants. Paupers. Dependants. Paupers. Dependants. Paupers. Dependants.
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
15th January, 1926 112,616 135,487 79,579 53,581 33,037 81,906
15th May, 1926 122,837 163,109 79,467 52,381 35,577 83,468 7,793 27,260
15th September, 1926 147,043 235,917 79,414 50,086 36,649 79,112 30,980 106,719
15th January, 1927 121,079 129,787 81,540 50,369 39,539 79,418
15th May, 1927 116,616 122,043 79,418 48,194 37,198 73,849
15th September, 1927 113,703 115,544 80,288 49,122 33,415 66,422

NOTE.—The figures given in columns (1) and (3) include lunatic poor. The numbers in this class at 15th May, 1926, and 15th May, 1927, were 18,095 and 18,322 respectively. Separate figures for the other dates shown are not available, but the number of lunatic poor does not vary to any appreciable extent.