§ Sir H. CROFTasked the Minister of Labour what was the number of persons at work in the manufacture of scientific and photographic instruments and apparatus in July, 1923, and July, 1927, respectively?
§ Mr. BETTERTONThe following statement gives the figures asked for:
Scientific and Photographic Instrument and Apparatus Manufacture, Great Britain. Date. Estimated Number of Insured Persons Number of Insured Persons recorded as Unemployed. Differences. July, 1923 17,610 957 16,553 July, 1927 24,170 638 23,532
§ Mr. C. EDWARDSasked the Minister of Labour the percentage of unemployed in the iron and steel industry, shipbuilding industry, marine engineering, and mining industries for 1927; and the number of unemployed miners in South 1537W Wales and Durham, and the percentage of unemployed for the whole country, for the first three months of 1928?
§ Mr. BETTERTONIt has not been possible in the time available to compile the statistics desired by the hon. Member, but I will circulate a statement in the OFFICIAL REPORT within the next day or two.
— Estimated Number of insured persons aged 16 to 64, inclusive. Number of inured persons aged 16 to 64, inclusive, unemployed (including two months' file of lodged books). Difference between Cols. 2 and 3 (to nearest hundred). Estimated number of insured persons aged 16 to 64, inclusive, in employment, after deducting from Col. 4 3½ per cent. of the numbers in Col. 2 to allow for sickness* and other unrecorded non-employment, exclusive of customary holidays. Including persons directly involved in trade disputes. Excluding persons directly involved in trade disputes. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1928. 23rd January … 11,590,000† 1,227,435 10,362,600 9,957,000 9,954,000 20th February … 11,599,000† 1,191,081 10,407,900 10,001,900 9,996,900 26th March … 11,608,000† 1,095,062 10,512,900 10,106,600 10,101,600 23rd April … 11,617,000† 1,093,195 10,523,800 10,117,200 10,116,200 * The sickness rate has been taken at an estimated annual mean; it has not been possible to allow for seasonal variations. † Provisional figure.