HC Deb 01 May 1928 vol 216 c1541W

asked the Secretary for Mines whether a part of the research work on explosives and explosive appliances is in future to be conducted at Messrs. Nobels, Limited, laboratories; and where the remaining research work is to be carried on?

Commodore KING

The Government Testing Station at Rotherham had to be closed down owing to the difficulty of obtaining supplies of suitable gas. Messrs. Nobel allowed their testing gallery at Ardeer to be used temporarily by the Government testing officers without charge. The work will in future be carried out at the Buxton station of the Safety in Mines Research Board, where the general research work in connection with explosives is carried out. Some portions of the research work are performed at Manchester and Leeds Universities, and Messrs. Nobel allow their laboratories to be used without charge for the portions of the research work for which they are peculiarly suited.