HC Deb 27 March 1928 vol 162 c320W

asked the Under-Secretary to the Scottish Board of Health whether, in view of the finding of the Royal Commission on Housing in Scotland that the shortage of suitable houses for farm servants is acute in the counties on the north-east from Elgin to Fife and also in the county of Ayr, he can state what steps have been taken to carry out the recommendation of the Royal Commission that a complete detailed survey of rural cottages should be undertaken at once?

Captain ELLIOT

Following upon the Royal Commission's Report the Housing, Town Planning, etc. (Scotland) Act, 1919, was passed. Section 1 of this Act requires all local authorities to consider the housing needs of their districts and to prepare and submit schemes for the approval of the Scottish Board of Health. As a preliminary measure the local authorities concerned would necessarily undertake surveys of their districts.

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