HC Deb 27 March 1928 vol 162 c323W

asked the Home Secretary whether, in view of the fact that the Metropolitan Police Authority required a month's notice from those officers with 28 years' service and over who had availed themselves of the option to retire on pension in 1918, he can explain why the retirement of Inspector John Richard Stone Carter was announced in Police Orders on 18th December, 1918, before that officer had given the required notice of his intention to resign?


Inspector Carter gave notice on 21st June, 1915, of his intention to retire, for the purpose of securing his pension under the Police (Emergency Provisions) Act, 1915. In ordinary circumstances, a month's notice would have been required by the Commissioner before this notice of retirement could be allowed to take effect, but I am informed that in this case the Commissioner decided in 1918 to waive any question of further notice with a view to the retirement taking effect forthwith.