HC Deb 27 March 1928 vol 162 cc331-4W

asked the Minister of Agriculture whether, in addition to the importation of Canadian store cattle, the free importation of breeding cattle will also be allowed and, if so, whether the agreement with the Canadian Government on the subject will be laid before the House of Commons?


As I stated in reply to my right hon. Friend the Member for Chelmsford (Mr. Pretyman), I am proposing, in accordance with Sections 2 and 7 of the Importation of Animals Act, 1922, to lay before both Houses of Parliament a draft Order prescribing the conditions which will regulate the admission of breeding cattle from Canada into Great

and whether he will supply the figures for Wales separately for each of the above-mentioned years?


The figures are as follow:

Britain. I am sending my hon. Friend a copy of the agreed Press notice which was issued on 4th November, 1922, embodying the terms of the agreement reached at that conference.


asked the Under-Secretary to the Scottish Board of Health what provision has been made for the accommodation of Canadian store cattle on their arrival at Scottish ports; and the harbour dues exigible at the ports of Glasgow and Dundee, as compared with the dues exigible at English ports at which Canadian cattle may be landed?


I have been asked to reply. The only Scottish ports at which landing places for Canadian store cattle have been approved by the Ministry are Glasgow and Dundee, which can accommodate 1,000 and 950 cattle respectively. The Ministry has no information as to the actual harbour dues on tonnage, but I shall be pleased to have inquiry made if the hon. and learned Member will let me know more particularly the information he requires. In the meantime I may explain that in addition to the uniform charge of 6d. a head which is made at all ports in Great Britain to cover the cost of the veterinary examination of the animals, the following landing and lairage charges are levied by the occupiers of the landing places for the landing and detention of the cattle whilst undergoing veterinary examination and awaiting the issue of licences for their movement.


  • Up to midnight of day after cattle are landed, 2s. per head.
  • For each subsequent 24 hours or part, 6d. per head.


  • For first clear 24 hours after landing, 2s. per head.
  • For each subsequent 24 hours or part, 6d. per head.


  • For first 24 hours after landing, 2s. per head.
  • Subsequent period up to midnight of 5th day after landing, 1s. per head.

Name. 1st August, 1914 (or later date of establishment where shown). 27th March, 1923
Age. Rank. Scale. Rank. Salary. Bonus.
£ £ £ s. d.
Sir G. Chrystal, K.C.B. 33 Senior Clerk 700–800 Secretary 2,200
Mr. E. Hodgson, C.B., O.B.E. 34 Committee Clerk 700–800 Prin. Asst. Secretary. 1,300 229 16 0
Mr. C. F. Adair Hore, C.B. 39 Prin. Clerk 700–800 Prin. Asst. Secretary. 1,300 229 16 0
Mr. R. J. Coles, C.B.E. 51 Staff Clerk 350 450 Financial Asst. Secretary. 1,100 235 11 0
Mr. J. K. Milne, C.B.E. 34 1st Div. Clerk 150–500 Asss. Secretary 1,100 235 11 0
Mr. R. Tinniswood, O.B.E. 34 2nd Div. Clerk 70–303 Dep. Asst. Secy. 1,000 234 6 0
Mr. P. F. Atkin 30 Asst. Acct. 350–500 Principal 750 225 13 0
Mr. G. H. Glover 34 1st Cl. Clerk 350–500 Principal 750 225 13 0
Mr. C. R. Leak 41 1st Cl. Clerk 350–450 Principal 750 225 13 0
Mr. J. A. Simes 41 1st Cl. Clerk 350–450 Principal 750 225 13 0
Mr. F. B. Tombleson 42 Examiner 100–350 Principal 750 225 13 0
Mr. W. Sanger. C.B. 41 Superintending Clerk. 600–800 Director General of Awards. 1,200 234 1 0
Mr. A. Cunnison 34 Superintending Clerk. 600–800 Deputy Director Gen. of Awards. 1,000 234 6 0

  • Manchester:
  • To cover 48 hours after midnight of day of landing, 2s. per head.
  • Subsequent periods of 24 hours, each 6d. per head.

Bristol (Avonmouth):

  • For first 24 hours commencing midnight after arrival, 1s. 6d. per head.
  • For each subsequent period for 24 hours, 1s. per head.