HC Deb 27 March 1928 vol 162 cc311-2W

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Transport whether, seeing it is the practice of his Department in assessing compensation to allotment holders evicted in an emergency to take into account the interest of allotment holders in their land in accordance with their agreements, he will state why the offers of compensation to allotment. holders dispossessed at Red Bridge Lane, Wan-stead, by his Department have been based entirely upon the value of crops at the time of dispossession, whereas these allotment holders, who were evicted at one week's notice, had an agreement providing for three months' notice; whether it is his intention to amend these awards to provide compensation in respect of the interest of the allotment holders in their land for three months, of which interest they were deprived; whether he is aware that in addition to compensation on the above basis these allotment holders are entitled to compensation for disturbance, which amount would be not less than one year's rent, and, further, compensation for labour and manure applied to the land in anticipation of their season's crops, of which they were deprived; and whether, as the whole, matter has been outstanding for nearly a year, he will take immediate steps to have the case settled?

Colonel ASHLEY

I have received representations on the compensation offered to certain allotment holders at Red Bridge Lane, Wan-stead, from a deputation of the National Union of Allotment Holders. I am causing the assessments to be investigated afresh in consultation with officers of the Valuation Department, and am doing what I can to expedite a decision.