HC Deb 06 March 1928 vol 161 c297W

asked the Postmaster-General whether he will now grant experimental licences for wireless to amateurs, in view of the interest that is being taken in the subject by people who spent several pounds each to purchase sets before the suspension of licences, and thereby encourage the attainment of a scientific acquirement by the people; how many such licences have been applied for; in how many cases has his Department refunded the 10s. fee forwarded by applicants; and in how many cases has the 10s. been retained by his Department after notifying the applicants that the licences have been suspended?


As regards the first part of the hon. Member's question, I would refer him to the reply given to the hon. Member for Tottenham North on the 27th ultimo. The number of 10s. fees refunded to applicants for experimental licences since the 31st October last is about 350. In nearly all these cases the amount has been refunded because the applicants' requirements would be met by the broadcast licences obtainable at local Post Offices. Some 60 additional cases of this kind are about to be dealt with; and there are also some 10 cases in which the fee has been retained pending consideration of the question whether the applicant will be entitled to an experimental licence under the new arrangements which are contemplated.