HC Deb 25 June 1928 vol 219 cc45-6W

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies, in regard to the mandated territory of Tanganyika, if, when natives become available with sufficient command of the English language to take part in the debates of the council, it is the intention to appoint natives to the council, in order to assist the Secretary for Native Affairs, the Chief Secretary, and the Governor in discharging their responsibilities for the welfare of the natives?


The question of appointing native members to the Legislative Council of Tanganyika will receive the fullest consideration as soon as there are natives of standing, able to speak on behalf of the various tribes of the country, and otherwise qualified to participate in the proceedings of the Council.


asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies, in pursuance of the policy agreed to in Tanganyika in July, 1926, that non-native settlement should be encouraged wherever the climate is suitable and adequate areas art available without depriving the native population of sufficient land for its own use, how much land has been allocated to non-natives for use; and whether my final estimate has been made of the total amount of land to be used in this way?


The area alienated under the German administration is estimated at 1,754,620 acres. Since then, rights of occupancy have been granted over approximately 277,699 acres. It is impossible at present to give even a preliminary estimate of the amount of suitable land available for this purpose in the uninhabited or sparsely inhabited districts of this vast territory.