HC Deb 12 July 1928 vol 219 c2472W

asked the Minister of Labour whether there are any records kept in the various local Employment Exchanges in Lanarkshire of the number of ex-service disabled men who have made application for unemployed benefit during the year 1927 and for the six months ended 30th June, 1928, and, if so, what number has been admitted to benefit; and whether there are any means by which coalowners who have signed the King's Roll can be approached by the local Exchange officials to aid in the securing of employment for such numbers as have had their claims disallowed?


I have been asked to reply. My right hon. Friend regrets that records such as those referred to by the hon. Member are not kept, and statistics giving the information desired in the first part of the question are therefore not available. Local King's Roll committees make every effort to find employment for disabled ex-service men, whether or not they are in receipt of unemployment benefit. In this connection an appeal is made to all employers, but, in respect of coal mining, regard must be had to the fact that the industry finds employment for a number of men who have been disabled while working in the mines.


asked the Minister of Labour the number of employers in the coal-mining industry who have signed the King's Roll to employ ex-service disabled men in England, Scotland and Wales, respectively; and the numbers employed?


I have been asked to reply. This information, which is kept locally, is being collected, and will be sent to the hon. Member as soon as possible.