HC Deb 11 July 1928 vol 219 c2251W

asked the First Lord of the Admiralty the date of the last examination for foremen, inspectors and draughtsmen in His Majesty's shipyards; whether this list is still operative; whether the procedure of promoting acting inspectors of shipwrights to be established inspectors of shipwrights is still in force; and, if so, why, in view of the large number of men who have passed and who are still on the waiting list, the Admiralty has announced another examination for foremen, inspectors and draughtsmen in December next?

Lieut.-Colonel HEADLAM

The date of the last examination for foremen and inspectors was May, 1923, and for draughtsmen, June, 1923. The examination lists are still operative where qualified candidates exist. In some grades, e.g., second class draughtsmen (engineering), however, there are no qualified candidates remaining. Confirmed appointments are being made in those grades where the authorised numbers will permit of vacancies being filled, and this obtains in the case of inspectors of shipwrights. The reasons for holding further examinations are (1) the length of time which has elapsed since the last examinations; (2) the desirability of giving the younger men in the yards an opportunity of competing for advancement. A large number of promotions have been made off the current examination lists, and it is considered to be in the interests of the Service to hold further examinations.

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