HC Deb 10 July 1928 vol 219 c2066W

asked the Secretary of State for War whether he is now in a position to give any information in regard to the disappearance of Lieut. T. S. Knowles, 1st Battalion East Yorkshire Regiment, in China last October; and, particularly, whether he has any evidence as to that officer having been murdered by Chinese soldiers?


At the time of his disappearance, Lieutenant Knowles was on leave touring in the hills to the West of Peking. It is known that he visited the Trappist Monastery in that area, and then proceeded to a mountain further to the West, where he remained for two or three days. His subsequent movements have not been definitely traced, but the presumption is that he was killed either accidentally or in an affray with soldiers or brigands shortly after 20th October last. It is known that about this time Shansi troops had unexpectedly made an incursion into this region. It is hoped to conduct an investigation on the spot as soon as circumstances permit, with the object of ascertaining the exact facts.