HC Deb 28 February 1928 vol 214 c237W

asked the President of the Board of Trade how many sailors, firemen, cooks, stewards, and petty officers were employed in the British Mercantile Marine at the end of 1927;

TABLE giving the number of engagements if British and Foreign seamen at Mercantile Marine Offices in Great Britain and Northern Ireland during the quarter ended 31st December, 1927:—
British other than Asiatics and Africans. Foreigners other than Asiatics and Africans- Asiatics and Africans, British and Foreign. Total.
Deck Department 24,971 1,176 430 26,577
Engine Room Department 24,570 774 3,306 28,650
Catering Department 50,157 969 242 51,368
Officers and Miscellaneous Ratings 27,444 88 10 27,542
Total 127,142 3,007 3,988 134,137

TABLE showing the total number of engagements of seamen at Mercantile Marine Offices in the United Kingdom in each of the past five years. Figures for 1913 are also given for comparison.
Year. British other than asiatics and Africans. Foreigners other than Asiatics and Africans. Asiatics and Africans. British and Foreign. Total.
No. Per cent. No. Per cent. No. Per cent.
1913 541,830 89.6 47,269 7.8 15,761 2.6 604,860
1923 489,542 94.6 14,194 2.7 13,709 2.7 517,445
1924 504,772 94.2 15,188 2.8 16,249 3.0 536,209
1925 510,580 94.3 13,798 2.6 16,789 3.1 541,167
1926 510,566 94.6 13,466 2.5 15,704 2.9 539,736
1927 538,951 94.6 14,079 2.5 16,458 2.9 569,488
NOTE.—The foregoing figures relate to engagements and not to individual seamen. If a particular seaman were engaged twice dining any period he would be counted twice in the totals. Masters are not included.