HC Deb 18 December 1928 vol 223 cc2841-2W

asked the Secretary for Mines how many colliery companies have gone into liquidation since 1st January, 1927, to date; what is the name and situation of each such company; and what was the total number of miners employed by each such company; and can he designate which, if any, of them have since been scheduled as abandoned mines?

Commodore KING

According to the information in my possession, which is not yet necessarily complete, 83 colliery companies, owning 160 pits and levels, have gone into liquidation since 1st January, 1927. These companies employed, before liquidation, about 36,000 workpeople. Of the 160 pits, 60,

and the percentage per year to the amount of coal raised, up to the latest available date?

Commodore KING

The figures are as follow:

Previously employing about 6,000 work people, are now abandoned; 44, previously employing about 12,000 work-people, are closed but not notified as abandoned, and 56, previously employing about 18,000 workpeople, are still working and employing 17,000 work-people. The complete list of companies is too long to give in answer to a question, but I am having a copy placed in the Library for the information of hon. Members.