HC Deb 13 December 1928 vol 223 cc2343-4W

asked the Financial Secretary to the Treasury what was the sum received by the Disposal and Liquidation Commission in 1921 for the herrings sold by them to the agents of the Russian Government; what proportion of this sum was paid when the purchasers took delivery; if the bills drawn on the Russian Government agents were met, and when; and whether all those bills were satisfactorily met within the period?


The Disposal and Liquidation Commission received, in respect of the two transactions concluded with the

of woollen and worsted cloths imported into this country for the years 1908, 1922, and 1927, respectively; and the number of yards of woollen and worsted cloths exported from this country for the same years?


The following table shows the total imports, re-exports, retained imports and domestic exports of woollen and worsted tissues; damasks, tapestry and other furniture stuffs; wool and mohair plushes and other pile fabrics; and flannels and delaines into and from the United Kingdom during the years 1908, 1922 and 1927.

agents of the Russian Government in the year 1921, the sum of £28,030 5s. paid in cash when the purchasers took delivery, and five bills amounting to £199,781 5s. All these bills were met on the due dates, namely, 31st May, 1922, and 31st March in each of the years 1923 to 1926.

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