HC Deb 10 December 1928 vol 223 c1737W

asked the Secretary of State for 'War whether he has any particulars and can state what compensation was paid to the relatives of the soldier who lost his life in the production of the film "Mons" in 1926; whether any compensation was paid to the man who had his right leg fractured and eye severely injured; and whether any compensation was paid to the soldier who had his thigh bone fractured in the making of the film "Balaclava" in October, 1928?


In the first case I am informed that there was no one dependent on the soldier. In the second case, legal proceedings are pending, and the case will, I understand, shortly come up for hearing; in the meantime, without prejudice to the legal proceedings, steps have been taken to ensure that the injured man is receiving regular means of support. In the third case, the soldier is still in hospital and has not up to the present put forward any claim to compensation.