HC Deb 11 April 1928 vol 162 cc1227-8W

asked the Under-Secretary of State for India whether effect has been given to the recommendations of the Calcutta University Commission, of which Sir Michael Sadler was chairman, in regard to the universities of Dacca and Calcutta and whether the suggestions of the Commission have been utilised by other Indian universities which have been established or reorganised since the Commission reported?


At Dacca residential university on the lines recommended by the Commission was established in 1921, in pursuance of an Act of Incorporation passed in the previous year. Owing to financial and other difficulties it has not so far been possible to give effect to the proposals of the Commission in regard to the University of Calcutta, but the complex problems involved are receiving most careful consideration by the Government of Bengal. The recommendations of the Commission have been of the greatest value to the authorities responsible for those Indian universities which have been reorganised, or established for the first time as separate universities, since the Commission reported in 1919, and have to a great extent determined the lines on which they have been constituted or reorganised. This is notably the case in regard to the residential universities of a non-affiliating type established tinting 1920–22 at Aligarh, Rangoon, Lucknow and Delhi, and in regard to the reorganisation of the Allahabad University in 1921. In the cases above mentioned the requisite legislation has already been passed, a Bill for establishing a separate university at Nagpur is before the local legislative council, and the question of reorganising the universities of Bombay and Madras has been receiving due attention in those Presidencies. I have no doubt that, the suggestions of the Commission will be as helpful in regard to the universities which have yet to be reorganised as they have proved to be in regard to those already dealt with. For fuller information as to the action taken on the Commission's Report I would invite reference to the reviews of Indian Education for the years 1919–20 and 1920–21, copies of which will be found in the Library of this House. The review for 1921–22 may also be expected to contain references to the subject, and a copy of it will be placed in the Library in accordance with the regular practice as soon as the supply is received from India.