HC Deb 30 November 1927 vol 211 c512W
Major GLYN

asked the Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies how far inquiries have been made by the Empire Marketing Board as to assisting schemes for the export of pedigree stock from this country to various parts of the Empire, notably Rhodesia and East Africa; and if some statement can be made now to endeavour to publish the scheme before Christmas so that breeders in this country may avail themselves of this assistance in the new year?


The Empire Marketing Board have invited the Governments of certain oversea parts of the Empire, including those referred to by my hon. and gallant Friend, to suggest schemes for assisting the exportation of pedigree stock from this country, and are now awaiting replies to their invitation. This course was taken because inquiry showed that the differing needs of the various parts of the Empire concerned would be better met by that means than by the adoption of a single uniform scheme. The Board are further in negotiation with the Royal Agricultural Society of England and the Highland and Agricultural Society for the establishment, under the management of these societies and at the charges of the Empire Marketing Fund, of quarantine stations designed to ensure that the export of pedigree stock to the parts of the Empire in question may proceed without the interruptions hitherto caused by outbreaks of foot-and-mouth disease in this country. These negotiations are being pressed forward; but I am not yet able to say definitely when the first station will be opened.