HC Deb 28 November 1927 vol 211 cc55-6W

asked the Under-Secretary of State for the Home Department, as representing the First Commissioner of Works, whether, in view of the unreliability of electric lighting, he will consider the desirability of installing gas lighting in the Houses of Parliament to ensure a reliable source of light?


asked the Under-Secretary of State for the Home Department, as representing the First Commissioner of Works, whether, after the inconvenience inflicted on the House on the 24th instant, owing to the failure of the electric light, he will take immediate steps to provide that a second circuit shall be available in future?


My Noble Friend regrets the inconvenience caused to this House by the failure of the electric light on Thursday last, which, as the House is aware, was due to the fusing of the main cable at the power station of the Supply Company, as the result of a fire in an adjoining hut.

In normal circumstances, an alternative source of supply would have been available, but, unfortunately, the gear for switching over was not in operation, owing to alterations which are in progress in connection with the linking-up of various London stations.

For the same reason, the power station itself was without light, and the change over had to be effected by hand in the darkness, which accounts for the delay.

My Noble Friend considered two years ago the advisability of installing an independent stand-by generating set in the Houses of Parliament, but, apart from the need for economy, the assurances given by the electricity company convinced him that such an installation was unnecessary. I can assure the House that when once the stations are linked up, a complete failure of the supply will be practically impossible, and in the meantime, every possible step will be taken to prevent a recurrence of the trouble.

To instal gas would not only be extremely expensive, but would not meet the requirements of the case, as electricity is necessary both for the ventilation of the Houses and for smoke extraction.