HC Deb 17 November 1927 vol 210 cc1152-3W

asked the Minister of Labour whether he is aware that William James Church, of 7, Marion Road, Sheffield, box 1, No. 160,615, L. 204, has been refused unemployment benefit; that for many years he has been employed by the Beeley Wood Forge and by Messrs. Kuchariah, Limited, and that he ceased work in March, 1927, owing to bad trade; that benefit has been refused on the ground that insurable employment was not available, although this man of 64 years is assured of re-absorption as soon as the firm have work; and whether he will state why with such definite assurance benefit has been refused?


My information differs from the hon. Member's in two important respects: I understand the last employment ended in May, 1926, not March, 1927, and that there is no definite promise of re-engagement. If these points can be met, I will look at the case again.


asked the Minister of Labour whether he is aware that unemployment benefit has been refused to Henry Heathcote, of 31, Portland Street, Sheffield, Box 17, 15,168, L413; that this man was employed by the Sheffield Corporation cleaning department for 37 years up to 27th December, 1926, and in insurable employment since its commencement; that the reason for the refusal of benefit is that insurable employment is not available; and whether he will make inquiry in regard to the case of this man of 62 years of age?


This applicant was discharged by the corporation on account of age and was pensioned. The rota committee took the view that he was outside the regular insurable industrial field and so failed to comply with the conditions for extended benefit. I see no reason for differing from them.