HC Deb 15 November 1927 vol 210 cc848-9W

asked the Minister of Labour if his attention has been called to the lack of accommodation, both for the staff and the insured persons, at the Employment Exchange, Quality Street, Leith; and whether he has any statement to make?


Yes, Sir. The matter is already under consideration, and it is hoped to acquire a site and erect a building in the near future.


asked the Minister of Labour if he will reconsider the case of the Turton Employment Exchange with a view either to transferring the exchange to Bromley Cross or to establishing a separate branch exchange at Bromley Cross, on account of the hardship imposed upon upwards of 250 workers residing in the neighbourhood of Bromley Cross who now have to make the journey of three miles each way three times weekly in order to draw unemployment benefit?


The number of Bromley Cross applicants claiming at the Turton Office is about 50. The distance is just over two miles and good travelling facilities exist. To open a separate office at Bromley Cross would entail considerable expense and to transfer the office from Turton to Bromley Cross would cause inconvenience to more than half the applicants. In the circumstances, I am afraid I have no alternative but to adhere to the existing arrangements.


asked the Minister of Labour if he is aware of the inadequate accommodation for the staff and for insured persons at the Springburn Employment Exchange; and whether he is considering the question of providing a building more suitable to the work carried on there?


Yes, Sir. It is proposed to extend the building to provide the accommodation required.