HC Deb 10 November 1927 vol 210 cc388-9W

asked the Minister of Labour whether he intends to introduce any new schemes of training to make provision for young people unemployed between the ages of 16 to 21?


In addition to existing schemes of training at juvenile unemployment centres and at centres for young men and young women, a decision has been taken to enlarge considerably the accommodation both at Claydon and at Brandon.


asked the Minister of Labour the various trades in which men and women who have received training under the Ministry's scheme have been able to find employment; and whether Employment Exchanges give such men and women preference in recommending them for employment?


With the hon. Member's permission, I will circulate a statement in the OFFICIAL REPORT.

Every effort is naturally made by the Employment Exchanges to place these men and women after training, but not to the prejudice of other qualified applicants available locally.

Following is the statement:

The trades in which men have been placed after a course of training for employment at home include:

Building and other works of construction, furniture making, packing-case making and other woodworking trades; engineering and allied trades, including motor and cycle manufacture and repair; electrical trades; rope making; electro-plating; road transport; railway work; and a number of miscellaneous occupations, such as storekeepers, boiler attendants and lift attendants.

Women trained in the home training centres of the Central Committee on Women's Training and Employment have been placed in domestic service and kindred occupations.

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