HC Deb 10 November 1927 vol 210 cc394-6W
Colonel APPLIN

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs (1) whether the situation and accommodation of the offices of His Majesty's Ambassador to Brazil in Rio de Janeiro are held to be suitable and adequate; and, if not, what steps have been taken to provide proper offices;

(2) what steps have been taken to provide our ambassador to Brazil with a residence in Rio de Janeiro; and whether he can state the approximate date on which a residence will be available in the capital of Brazil?


asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs if he is aware that the British Ambassador to Brazil has no official residence provided, and resides at and conducts the business of the Embassy from the Hotel Gloria, in Rio de Janeiro; and will he, in the interests of British prestige and trade, take steps to remedy this state of affairs, and see that suitable premises are provided at an early date at least equal to those of other countries?


On the expiry last July of the lease of the house occupied by His Majesty's Ambassador in Rio de Janeiro the Ambassador took up his residence in the Hotel Gloria and transferred his offices to the Commercial Secretariat. This arrangement is not satisfactory. It is intended that it shall be purely temporary, and every effort will be made to provide more suitable accommodation next year when the Embassy returns from the summer residence at Petropolis.