HC Deb 11 May 1927 vol 206 c391W

asked the Under-Secretary of State for the Home Department, as representing the First Commissioner of Works, the number of huts in Tyler Street, Petre Street, and Tinsley districts of the city of Sheffield, now the property of His Majesty's Office of Works; what number of tenants at present reside in them; what average rent is charged; what aggregate sum is received for each district, respectively; what sum of money annually is devoted to upkeep and repair; and how long it is estimated that these wooden huts, temporarily erected for War emergency purposes, can be expected to last as adequate dwelling-houses?


The number of huts and tenants on each estate is as follows: Tyler Street 366, Petre Street 187, and Tinsley 167, making a total of 720. The average number of occupants per hut is probably about four or five, and the average rent charged is about 8s. per week, inclusive of rates and water. The aggregate annual rent receivable for each estate is as follows: Tyler Street £7,634, Petre Street £3,914, Tinsley £3,332. The average annual cost of maintenance of the 720 huts is about £3,700. With adequate maintenance, the dwellings would probably last another 10 years.