§ Mr. VIANTasked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether he has any information regarding the efforts being made by the Hankow Government, or by organisations such as the Wuhan Peace Preservation Committee, formed within the territories of this Government, for promoting the resumption of business relations with foreigners in the Wuhan cities?
§ Sir A. CHAMBERLAINA telegram from Mr. Newton at Hankow reports that Mr. Eugene Chen has expressed his anxiety to restore the economic life of the port, and to obtain the co-operation of foreign firms including Japanese. The reports from Hankow show that there are two obstacles to the resumption of normal business: (1) The prohibition of all movements of silver which has led to a suspension of the re-opening of foreign banks, and (2) the general insecurity and fear of extremist violence which have caused a general exodus of better-class Chinese, including the compradores of firms.