HC Deb 31 March 1927 vol 204 c1450W

asked the Minister of Health the types of food in the preparation of which the use of benzoic acid and sulphur dioxide is still permitted?


I am sending the hon. Member a copy of the Preservatives Regulations of 1925 and 1926 which will give him the information desired.


asked the Minister of Health if, in view of the new Regulations affecting the use of preservatives in food, he has issued or proposes to issue to local authorities a suggestion that they should take special pains to warn consumers that certain foods should not be expected now to keep so long in a condition fit for human consumption?


No, Sir. I do not propose to make any such suggestion, since only experience can show how far, if at all, the keeping properties of food in the consumers' houses would be affected by the absence of preservatives. I may say, however, that in making the Regulations I had regard to the circumstances of the ordinary household, and to the fact that most of the principal foods affected were already being sold without preservative by some traders.