HC Deb 28 March 1927 vol 204 cc876-7W

asked the Minister of Labour what were the numbers of the unemployed in December, 1924, 1925, and 1926, respectively, in each of the following industries, namely, motor cars and cycles, clocks and watches, musical instruments, cinematograph films, hops, silk, artificial silk, lace, cutlery, gas mantles, gloves, commercial motor vehicles, and packing and wrapping paper?


The following table shows the numbers of insured persons, classified as belonging to certain industry groups, recorded as unemployed in Great Britain in December, 1924, 1925, and 1926.

Industry Group. 1924. 1925. 1926.
22nd December. 21st December. 20th December.
Total Wholly Unemployed. Temporary Stoppages. Total. Wholly Unemployed. Temporary Stoppages. Total.
Construction and Repair of Motor Vehicles, Cycles and Aircraft. 15,112 12,485 2,021 14,506 16,105 2,689 18,794
Watches, Clocks, Plata, Jewellery, etc., Manufacture. 5,000 2,905 533 3,438 3,100 819 3,919
Musical Instruments 1,097 733 19 752 1,015 63 1,078
Silk Industry (including Artificial Silk). 2,987 1,391 3,659 5,050 1,699 3,611 5,310
Lace Industry 4,180 1,365 2,097 3,462 981 1,862 2,843
Hand Tools, Cutlery, Saws, Files, etc. 3,806 2,798 1,368 4,166 3,305 2,477 5,782
Paper and Paper Board Making (not Wallpaper). 4,188 2,270 735 3,005 2,132 676 2,808

Statistics showing the numbers wholly unemployed and temporarily stopped respectively at December, 1924, are not available.

The figures relating to motor cars and cycles and commercial motor vehicles, clocks and watches, silk and artificial silk, cutlery, packing and wrapping paper, cannot be separated from the rest of the respective groups given above in which they are included.

Figures for cinematograph films, hops, gas mantles, and gloves, represent only a very small proportion of other industry groups for which the unemployment statistics cannot be sub-divided.

Date. Men. Boys. Women. Girls. Total.
7th February 1,311 107 194 111 1,723
14th February 1,291 108 192 109 1,700
21st February 1,202 107 169 108 1,586
28th February 1,212 97 148 93 1,550