HC Deb 24 March 1927 vol 204 c591W

asked the Minister of Pensions if, in view of the fact that light metal limbs are only granted to pensioners with below-knee amputation on the special recommendation of the surgeons, he will consider the desirability of certain other circumstances, such as long distances the pensioner may have to walk or long working hours, being taken into consideration when a pensioner's application for light metal limbs is under consideration?


All the circumstances of a case are taken into consideration in determining the nature of the limb to be supplied. With regard, however, to the particular circumstances referred to by the hon. Member, I would remind him that, as I stated in reply to the hon. Member for Ripon (Major Hills) on the 10th instant, a wooden limb can now be supplied which is actually lighter than a metal limb for the purpose of amputations below the knee.