HC Deb 21 March 1927 vol 204 cc45-7W
Colonel DAY

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Overseas Trade Depart- ment the total amount in sterling of exports and imports between Great Britain and India for the 12 months ended to the last convenient date; and what are the principal goods so exported and imported?


The value of merchandise exported from Great Britain and Northern Ireland to British India during the year 1926 amounted to £83,434,000, of which British produce and manufactures accounted for £82,027,000 and imported merchandise for £1,407,000.

During the same period our total imports from British India amounted to £57,729,000.

Complete particulars of the individual items making up these totals will not be available for some time, but the following statement shows particulars of 1925:—

Imports from British India.
Branch of Trade and Principal Commodities. Declared Value 1,000£
Tea 22,230
Corn offals 1,283
Wheat 5,269
Rice 1,283
Oil seed cake 751
Coffee, raw 695
Cotton, raw 5,161
Goatskins 859
Manganese ore 742
Rubber, crude 1,351
Oleaginous seeds, nuts and kernels:
Cotton seed 2,502
Flax or linseed 3,376
Rape seed 679
Other sorts 1,643
Gums and resins 1,301
Jute, raw 8,567
Timber, sawn, hard 779
Sheep's and lambs' wool, raw 3,600
Leather, undressed and dressed 4,775
Lead, pig and sheet 807
Motor and other petroleum spirit 593
Coir yarn, mats and matting 983
Jute yarn and manufactures 3,426
Woollen carpets and rugs 814
Other articles 6,630
Total Imports 80,099

Exports to British India.
Branch of Trade and Principal Commodities. Declared Value 1,000£.
(i) United Kingdom, Goods:
Spirits 679
Tobacco 690
Apparel, not of fur 884
Chemicals, drugs, dyes and colours 2,110
Cotton yarns 2,405
Cotton manufactures:
Piece goods 35,265
Other sorts 1,122
Cutlery, hardware, implements and tools 911
China and earthenware, glass and glassware 427
Electrical goods and apparatus 1,155
Machinery 9,215
Iron and steel and manufactures thereof 10,676
Non-ferrous metals and manufactures thereof 1,685
Soap, not containing spirit 925
Paper and cardboard 870
Rubber manufactures 793
Railway rolling stock (including locomotives) 3,260
Motor cars and parts 998
Woollen and worsted manufactures (except apparel) 1,513
Arms, ammunition, etc 616
All other articles 9,849
Total Exports (United Kingdom Goods) 86,048
(ii) Imported Merchandise:
All descriptions 1,187
Total Exports 87,235