HC Deb 14 March 1927 vol 203 cc1656-7W

asked the Minister of Health, in view of the fact that the Widows', Orphans' and Old Age Contributory Pensions Act was primarily enacted to get rid of the penalties on thrift and the inquisition into the means of applicants for and recipients of pensions under the Old Age Pensions Acts, what steps are being taken by the Government to remove these penalties and anomalies in the case of aged thrifty persons who have been excluded from insurance under the Contributory Pensions Act?


I would refer the hon. and learned Member to the reply which I gave to a similar question by the hon.

Expenditure of Local Authorities in England and Wales on Housing
Years 1918–19 to 1924–25.
Year. Expenditure from Revenue. Expenditure from Capital.
Maintenance and other expenses not being loan charges. Loan charges.* Total. Out of loans. Out of other capital moneys. Total.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
£ £ £ £ £ £
1918–19 406,123 696,361 1,102,484 131,717 (a)— 131,717
1919–20 746,304 717,559 1,463,863 4,843,386 (a)— 4,843,386
1920–21 1,334,260 2,820,490 4,154,740 52,209,823 (b)130,178 52,340,001
1921–22 1,896,213 8,094,575 9,990,788 81,725,737 (b)187,966 81,913,703
1922–23 2,642,235 11,752,319 14,394,554 29,644,089 (b)197,368 29,841,457
1923–24 2,993,427 12,662,227 15,655,654 11,301,844 (b)626,282 11,928,126
1924–25 3,949,242 13,387,705 17,336,947 24,268,378 1,149,407 25,417,785
* "Loan charges" comprises interest, repayments of principal otherwise than out of sinking funds, and payments into sinking funds.
(a) Capital Expenditure (if any) other than out of loans is for these two years included in column 2, separate particulars not having been obtained.
(b) For all local authorities except rural district councils, whose capital expenditure other than out of loans (if any) is included in column 2.