HC Deb 20 June 1927 vol 207 cc1505-6W
Captain A. EVANS

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies what proportion of German to English subjects are returning to Tanganyika Territory for the purpose of taking up land; the present number of German and British-born residents, respectively; what facilities, if any, exist for the purpose of assisting British ex-service men and others who are suitable and anxious to take up land in Tanganyika; and if there is any fund available for purpose of loaning the necessary capital to suitable is any fund available for the purpose of British-born applicants desirous of settling in the territory?


The total numbers of British and Germans at present in the Tanganyika Territory are understood to be approximately as follows:

British (official) 1,400
British (unofficial) 1,400
Germans 500

Between 1st January, 1926, and 31st March, 1927, 453 Germans, including women and children, entered the territory. It is not possible to say how many of these entered the country with a view to settlement, trade or merely as visitors. The corresponding number of unofficial British who entered the territory during the same period was 346. All possible encouragement is given to British enterprise in the territory, but there is no special fund for financing British settlers there.