HC Deb 29 July 1927 vol 209 c1668W

asked the Minister of Health the number of cases of diphtheria in Dagenham during the last 12 months, and the number of fatal cases; whether this disease is prevalent throughout Essex; and whether any, and, if so, what special steps are being taken to combat it?


The numbers of cases of, and deaths from, diphtheria in the Urban District of Dagenham have been as follow:

Cases. Deaths.
In the 12 months ended 2nd July, 1927 80 9
In the 3 weeks ended 23rd July, 1927 23 4

I am advised that there is no exceptional prevalence of the disease throughout Essex, although a small outbreak recently occurred in Dagenham. I am informed that the usual precautions were taken, including the removal of all the cases to hospital.