§ NOTES. —* The term "New Entrants" applies to persons over 18 years of age (not being disabled ex-Service men in receipt of a disability pension) engaged (otherwise than as students) for employment in any of the occupations specified overleaf, who were not employed in any of these occupations during the period of seven dies ended 30th April, 1926, or when last before that date in regular employment.
§ Column C. —†The total number of persons employed in any of the specified occupations who were so employed during the period of seven days ended 30th April, 1926, or when last before that date in regular employment, who have been employed for the first time at the pit(s) during the above-mentioned month should be included in Column C.
§ Only workmen whose employment is such as to make them employed persons within the meaning of the Unemployment Insurance Acts are to be included in this return.
§ "Nil Returns should be made for each pit or pits to which this Return relates for any month in which there hare been neither new engagements of persons within the colliery industry nor new entrants.
§ (Back of form. )
§ Specified Occupations.
§ (As set out in Schedule I).