HC Deb 15 July 1927 vol 208 cc2485-6W

asked the Under-Secretary of State for the Home Department, as representing the First Commissioner

Date. Men. Boys. Women. Girls. Total.
June 6 1,294 92 73 106 1,565
June 13 1,299 91 90 104 1,584
June 20 1,243 98 84 106 1,531
June 27 1,248 95 88 103 1,534

of Works, the revenue received from the sale of booklets in connection with the new pictures installed in St. Stephen's Hall; whether his Department is selling a book on the mosaics of the House, and whether this booklet used to be distributed free; what becomes of the profits thus obtained from the sales of books; and whether the men selling them belong to the Civil Service staff and, if so, in what capacity, and at what rate of wages they are paid?


(for the FIRST COMMISSIONER of WORKS): The booklets referred to by the hon. Member have been prepared and issued by Mr. Speaker for the use of Members and visitors. No expense falls on public funds. Any profits which may accrue will go to the Speaker's Art Fund for the provision of additional works of art for the building. The present arrangement with regard to the sale is temporary.