HC Deb 13 July 1927 vol 208 c2152W
Commander BELLAIRS

asked (1) the First Lord of the Admiralty what is the tonnage added to the Japanese Navy, exclusive of battleships, battle cruisers, and aircraft carriers, since the representatives of the naval Powers met at Washington, inclusive of ships building; and what would be the estimated corresponding obsolescence of tonnage by the time ships building are completed, allowing for the lives of vessels as planned by the British representatives at Geneva;

(2) the Parliamentary Secretary to the Admiralty what is the tonnage added to the French Navy, inclusive of battleships, battle cruisers, and aircraft carriers, since the representatives of the naval Powers met at Washington, inclusive of ships building; and what would be the estimated corresponding obsolescence of tonnage by the time ships building are completed, allowing for the loss of vessels, as planned by the British representatives at Geneva?

Lieut.-Colonel HEADLAM

I am afraid that the information asked for by my hon. and gallant Friend is of such a nature that any reply would have to be based on assumptions which might prove so incorrect as to make the answer valueless and liable to lead to misapprehensions.