HC Deb 01 July 1927 vol 208 c760W

asked the Postmaster-General what is the number of temporary staff employed in headquarters' offices, provincial engineering, stores, surveyors', district managers', and postmasters' offices, respectively, in each of the following grades: Grade 1 shorthand typists, Grade 2 shorthand typists, Grade 1 copying typists, and Grade 2 copying typists; and the average length of service of the shorthand typists and copying typists concerned?

Viscount WOLMER

It is not possible without extensive inquily either to give the number of temporary staff concerned in the form desired by the hon. Member or to state their average length of service. The total numbers of such staff are, however, as follows:—

Shorthand Typists. Typists..
Grade I 27 79
Grade II 29 14
56 93
Equals total 149.